This political cartoon leads me to say something that I have only hinted at, but need to emphasize.
I have been highly critical of the views of our new president, and will remain so. Yet, as a Christian, I believe that even the worst of sinners can change. The apostle Paul started as Saul, the persecutor of Christians. John Newton was a slave trader who was converted and became the writer of “Amazing Grace.”
Can Obama change his views? Yes. Will he? The “odds,” if that is the right term, are against it. He has held these views all of his life, and he was fed a constant radical worldview in college and in all those years in Jeremiah Wright’s “church.”
Yet I cannot close the door to the possibility that God’s Spirit will break through all of those presuppositions. The only way this can reasonably happen is if Christians pray for a true change of heart. We must be faithful to that mission. If Obama does not change, we are in for a very rough patch over the next 4-8 years. That’s why we must concentrate on praying for godly enlightenment.
This does not preclude criticism of his policies and his attitudes. We need to see the reality. There is another reality, however–one that is hidden from human eyes. God is still God. We need to work with Him to see His will done. Isn’t that one of the key provisions of what we call the Lord’s Prayer?
For those of you who are Christians, I urge you to pray for the change of heart that is so desperately needed–for the sake of the unborn, for those who desire to teach Biblical principles, and for the nation as a whole.
Christians really are supposed to be salt and light to this world.